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Australia BOOK STORE Course books College Text Book Guide


College Text Book Guide

College text books are not cheap. So, how can you save money when buying text books?

Here are some tips:

Obtain a list of your required books as soon as you register for courses. This can be done by either asking for the information from your professors or by getting a required text book list from your college book store.
campus bookstore
Start shopping online. There are many Web sites that offer text books for lower than average prices. Given sufficient time, you might find several of your required text books at bargain prices.

Go to your local library and ask whether it has your needed text books. Even if your own library does not have your books, it can request those books through inter-library loan. Chances are good that, should even one library have your requested text books, you will get them.

Collaborate with students who are taking courses for which you plan to register. These students will probably be selling their text books back to their college bookstore at a much lower than original purchase price. The bookstore will then raise the book prices in order to make a profit. If you do your research, you might buy these text books before they end up in the bookstore. Just be sure to pay students a slightly higher cash amount than the bookstore.

Consider taking the same courses with a friend, or a group of friends. Split the cost of the text books and share them amongst yourselves. If a common exam comes up, you can photocopy the needed chapters and pages from the text book in order to study.used text book

Sometimes, you might get away with buying an older edition of the same text book. The chapters may be a little out of place, but with a little organization, you can stay on track with what the rest of your class will be learning and when.

Don't forget to peruse your local book stores. You'll save on shipping costs, at the very least, and have the satisfaction of helping local merchants.

Finally if all else fails, go to your local college book store and buy your books early. Don't wait until the day before your classes begin- by then, everyone will have picked through all the cheaper used books and left only the brand-new and expensive ones.

With a little forethought and planning, you can find your required text books at cheaper and more affordable prices.
students sharing their textbooks

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