Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 February 2010 18:36 Written by Administrator Wednesday, 12 November 2008 05:08
Student Tutoring can be extremely beneficial when having difficulty with learning a subject or you might just want an extra boost to set you apart from the rest of your classmates. Below is information for private student tutoring.
1) One of Australia’s biggest and well known private tutor companies is They Provide a range of different tutoring services are located in:
• Brisbane
• Melbourne
• Sydney
• Wollongong
• Canberra
Tutoring for excellence covers a range of subjects such as the following:
• Math
• Reading
• History
• Physics
• Chemistry
• English
They also offer different types of test preparation such as the following:
• Ambulance Officer test
• Scholarship Preparation
• Nursing Entrance Exam
• Tertiary Admissions test
2) University Tutoring – Most Universities will have their own tutoring departments or services. Students should take full advantage of tutoring services offered from their university. A lot of the tutors might have taken the same subject that you are requesting help in. Graduate students or upperclassman are common tutors within University tutoring and often charge less money then you would pay for getting outside private tutoring from a private company.
Some Universities offer free tutoring services for certain subjects. For example their might be a free tutoring session two times a week within the Math department where students can walk in and ask questions relating to their subject. These free tutoring sessions are usually taught by teacher assistants and are worth the investment to work closely one on one or in a small group to increase your knowledge or answer questions your might have concerning your subject.
3) Self Advertised Tutors- look on bulletin boards for flyers that might be advertising tutoring services from self advertised tutors. These can be undergraduate, graduate, professionals who are trying to make extra money by tutoring students. Most of the time these tutors have taking the subject or fill confident that they understand and can teach the subject to other students.
Thing to look out for when looking for potential tutors:
• Make sure they are creditable
• Cost effective and is within your budget
• What is your goal for getting extra help
• Has your potential tutor taken this subject
• How long have they been tutoring for
• Try and avoid upfront cost
• Cost per hour or by session
Know that you have a good understanding of private tutoring services you can accomplish your objective whether it’s increasing your grades, getting into an institution, obtaining a scholarship, learning a language, or just saving time.